In this episode, we will follow the life story of Dr. William Halsted, from his origins in New York, to his drug addiction to cocaine and morphine, and his becoming one of the founding fathers of Johns Hopkins Medicine. We will cover not only his individual exploits in surgery, but also his vast influence on the turning of surgery in America from an unorganized almost self-taught job to a true profession, changing the way surgery is done and taught almost single-handedly. And of course, we'll take a few side roads, looking at the history of Johns Hopkins and cocaine, and more!
In this episode, we shift gears a bit to look at a future area of surgery, and consider what it would be like to operate in space. We will consider a number of factors that will effect operating, and look at how some of the solutions that have been created have also had positive spin off applications for the terrestrially bound. Join me as we take a peek at the final frontier!